Sunday 16 February 2014

The Master Game

The Master Game.

The Origins of Civilization:

Most in the Horn of Africa, have never probably truly in all, thought of what did make, and for the very origins of Civilization on this Earth that is. In many a way, many do associate it even, and with Egyptian Civilization, but without truly knowing in all again, just how to connect themselves somewhat truly even, and to speak of Civilization as such actually.

In many a way, speak and of what does constitute for the Origins of Civilization, might very well vary in all, but one such belief in all again, does speak even and of what some do term the Master Game. In all again, all this speaking even and of just how societies do regulate themselves in all, or even truly again why people do choose to riot or even go to war that is.

To speak of the rise of Civilization, and as explained via speak of the Master Game, is to also speak of being a Christian in all, and in the form of the Apologetic too, and as in saying that, being an Apologetic in all, does speak even and of holding highly diverse in all, Beliefs that is [that the Apologetic in all again, and in beliefs in themselves too, could very well find himself highly an Individual, or a loner of a kind too actually].

In all, this belief in the rise of Civilization, the Master Game that is, does not only speak of the turbulent History of Ancient Egypt, and as with it dying in many a way, before one sees its arising in many a way again, but also speak even of Inca Civilization and in South America, and the very history too, and of South America in itself actually. To speak of Egypt and the Master Game, is to in many a way even, speak of the 'Valley of the Kings of the Dead' for instance. In all, the very belief that, society in all is ruled over and by those who do possess Secretive Knowledge or Wisdom of a kind, and as with speak even of Secretive Religions, and whose beliefs in many a way, do make for easy success, and in just about everything they do [and as with speak even and of knowing just how to deal with Failure that is]. Success though, is not actually in all again, what is truly being sought out, as in many a way, not only do these Secretive Religions in all, also afford one new Images of Respect perhaps, but in many a way truly even, what is being sought out in all, is the very desire to be Well Received, or even Widely Accepted, and simply in all again, and as based around just whom one is [that these Secretive Religions, do in many a way even, speak basically of a Popularity Cult that is, and as with speak even of being truly Enigmatic actually].

In all again, Evil and as arising from the Master Game in all, born of great Hatred and Envy even, and from seeing others not only Succeed in all [and as with speak even of succeeding, and as going along and with a culture of being Well Received and as with being highly announced even, and at a Party too, and as with this basically speaking even, and of the true nature in all, and of the Apologetic too actually, but that in all ways even, it does speak of the Afterlife, and the hope in all again that one will be widely remembered, and when one dies that is]. In all truly even, this speaking of popular culture in all, and in the Horn of Africa too, or even truly again speak of Somalian Politics in all (and as with the term here Somalian, actually referring in many a way, to Somali Women in all), and as with it all even a Popularity contest of a kind, and with the winner, those said to possess certain Secretive Knowledge, and which in all again, does one have one worshiped in all, and by those in society too that is.

Finally, all this speaking even and of the violent History of South America, and as with speak even of South American Dictators in all again, or even truly again, those who might wish for instance, to wipe out ones Success, and as in the attempt to takeover ones Business, and in the name of Hate, Jealousy and Envy too that is.