Thursday 31 October 2013

The Afterlife

The Afterlife.

Those living lives and as around Media in all, might truly wonder what to make of God in all again, or even what does truly constitute Heaven in itself that is. That for many, a life well lived, eventually leads to one going to a Heaven of a kind actually. For those in the Horn of Africa, is to perhaps preposition that, when they do think of Heaven in all, they should in all ways even think the Afterlife actually. 

What is the Afterlife though? To attempt to make easy a difficult topic perhaps, is to perhaps first off state that, it does speak even, and of just how in all again, we actually do die that is. That for those in the Horn of Africa, a life well lived, actually does culminate, and in dying, and in a rather iconic manner that is. 

In many a way, one of the dangers of Conventional Media in all, does lie in envisioning just how in all again, everyday life is lived like. That Media today in all for instance, does tend to present everyday experiences in all again, and from a rather Sexual manner even, and as with speak too even, and of one seeking out Gratification in their lives that is. For others though, life and as lived around Conventional Media in all, speaks even of seeking out to express Enthusiasm in their lives, and speak even of having high energy levels too, and moments filled in all again, and with excitement everywhere that is.

For those in the Horn of Africa, and as with thinking even the Original Sin, Lucifer and even the Afterlife too, is to perhaps tell them that, when they do think of living everyday life in all, they should in all again, not attempt to seek out Gratification in all (as with it even capable of leading to addiction that is), or even Excitement too really, but in all ways even, think about life, and from the very perspective of the Passions that is [or even truly again, seeking to be truly or fully expressive, and at every moment too even, and as with regards to ones feelings and emotions that is].