Wednesday 23 October 2013



Most living in the Horn of Africa today, must agree that life in the place, is actually in many a way truly boring. This in many a way too, has to do with everyday Media in all, and in the Horn of Africa too, and as centered in all again, and around Television that is, but with Television in the Horn of Africa, rather deplorable in its ways actually.

In all again, when most in the Horn of Africa, do in all truly even ponder Realities, and as with speak even of their true potential in all, and of everyday Realities that is, they are often mainly perceived, and from the perspective of Societal ills (and as with speak of poverty that is), and in many a way even, what life in all again has to offer, and as with regards to everyday Realities that is, is often pondered or considered in all again, and as based around Swahili terminology [and speak even of terms and such as ufinazi, upendeleo, mtemo, miserere etc.]. That in all again, life at its max in the Horn of Africa (and especially Kenya too), is often considered from the perspective of Societal issues, and as with escaping these poverty driven in all Societal states that is, and speaks again and of experiencing life at its max, and as based around defining higher levels of living in all, and as constituting more advanced states of ufinazi, upendeleo, mtemo etc. 

In attempting to totally reform the Horn of Africa (and as with speak even of a local Scene too), and do away with the above ways mentioned, and of living out everyday Realities in all, is to attempt to tell many a person that, everyday Realities in the Horn of Africa, and as with speak even of their true Potential in all, does speak in all ways even and of perceiving Realities in all again, and from the very perspective of Gender, Race, Age and Class too [and as with what does truly constitute the forementioned ways of perceiving Reality, and in the Horn of Africa that is] [and as with this even, speaking in all again, and from directly perceiving everyday Realities in the Horn of Africa, and from the very perspective of Play too, and as with Play here defined, as very much totaling Humourous encounters that is].

In all again, when those in the Horn of Africa, do readily even perceive their Realities in all, and as based around not only Gender, Race, Age and Class issues too, and as directly defined even, and from the perspective of Play too (or Humourous interactions that is), then let them in all again, and at the base level too (and as with this speaking even and of the heights that everyday life in the Horn of Africa can truly reach in all), think in all again, and of the very world of Rick James too actually [hopefully all this is well understood, that what is been proposed here is that, the perceiving of everyday Realities, and as based around Gender, Race, Age and Class, and as with they even directly in all perceived and from the very perspective of Play too, then daringly enough and as with speak even of creating a local Scene in all, and speak even of base level existences and of the entertainment Media variety too, then let these perceptions in all again, meet those exposed in all, and by Rick James in many a way truly].