Thursday 24 October 2013



Many living in the Horn of Africa, and as living lives even, and as highly based around Media too, might not truly know just how best in all again, to live out their lives that is. In many a way, many in the Horn of Africa, tend to live their lives in all, and as heavily based around attempting to truly define in all again, what Success truly is. For some, and as with speak even of unhappiness and mental illnesses too perhaps, a strong desire even, to attain Success, and at the International level that is.

In many a way, the path to Success in all, has come to be defined in rather simplistic terms, and in the Horn of Africa today too. To speak of Success and as defined in simplistic terms in the Horn of Africa, is to speak in all again perhaps, and of Sheng terms too, and such as 'Wajiskiaji' (or those in all again who do seek to attain Success and at a National or International level too, and then be rather boastful in all about it), or even 'Ishia' (or those in all again who are always waiting for Success to come around in all, and when alerted of it in all again, and as with being favoured even, become rather too excited in nature that is).

One has to realize just how in all, to live life in the Horn of Africa. That in all again, and as with perhaps warning or advising one even, life in the Horn of Africa, is not based on simply attaining Success in all (and as with being rather popular too), but that in all again, one discovers that, even if one does attain Success in the Horn of Africa, one will still in many a way realize that they are not too happy, or in many a way too, might simply lose their Success, and on realizing they don't care to know themselves too much that is [and as Successful people actually].

In all ways even is to tell those in the Horn of Africa that, when they do think of living out a Successful life in the Horn of Africa, then let it all be grounded in many a way, and in what they do call Mindfulness actually. Mindfulness in all, actually does speak of living out a life, not truly based on Success that is, but one based on the most wonderful or marvelous of Memories actually. That in all ways even, the path to Success and in the Horn of Africa too, is supposed to be paved, and with the most Wonderful of Memories in all, or else one will realize on attaining Success that, it did not mean anything much that is [that what truly was meaningful, was the Memory or Memories created along the way actually]. In all ways again, Mindfulness, does also speak of Art Therapies in all, and as with speaking of Art in the Horn of Africa, and as driven by Media too, highly based around Mindfulness in all again, or truly even, attempting in all to teach one what Wonderful or Marvelous Memories in all again, truly are like that is [and as with Art Therapy here, speaking also of healing one, and from painful Memories in all, and as with being a Teen in all again, and then being 'bombed' as some do say, and by a Girl one might like actually].