Thursday 20 November 2014

Patriotic Songs

Patriotic Songs.

Those in the Horn of Africa in all, do in all know that, there is a general culture in all again, and of Ujeuri, a Kiswahili term too, and in the Horn of Africa, and that does in all even speak of inappropriate Behaviour that is. That this in all, is in many a way, a Theme in itself, and as often associated and with many a Blog (entry) and as dealing with the Horn of Africa in itself too, but Behaviour too in all, often hinted at or reported on, and when one does turn on any of the major Television Stations in Kenya in all, and as having to do with the News that is.

In all, the very culture of Ujeuri, and as perhaps going along in all even, and with the referring of Kenyan Politicians in all again, and such as Hon. Raila Odinga and as now referred to as Agwambo, or even speak of former President Mwai Kibaki, and the name in all again and of, Kivaki that is, one in all again then, cannot help in all, and in speak of Psycho-Somatic disease/conditions too, refer in all, and to a belief that, those in all again who do engage in Ujeuri, simply in all, truly lack a manner or way in all again, and of Mustering Courage that is, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of the tradition in all, Governmental too, and in Kenya that is, and of Patriotic Songs (and as said in all again, and to speak of Courage in itself), but that in all again perhaps, speak even of Somali or Maasai Traditional Songs, and as very much in all even, speaking of Courage in itself, and as with regards to the Mustering of it all that is.