Monday 3 November 2014

Family TV

Family TV.

Those in Kenya, probably in all, do remember Moi Day (Link), and Kenyatta Day (Link) too. They in all are best said said perhaps, Public Holidays, and that do in all deal with Kenya's Presidential cultures, and as no good particular reason in all, has ever been given, and for the celebrating of Moi Day that is.

However though, the Blogger here would in all, want to present a whole new view and of these two Public Holiday's, and in speak of the Family TV Channel, and as broadcast in Kenya that is. That in all, speak of Presidential cultures, can be said, and to best go along and with speak of Prominent Families in Kenya (and as said helping foment a Kenyan Identity, and as said too separating Kenya and from Ethiopia and Somalia), but that in all ways even, tying these Prominent Families, and to Kenya's Presidential cultures, and as with it all even perceived Institution too, does in all present a third view in all again, and a way from speak of the Kenyan Government and the Church in Kenya, and as with regards to helping deal with or solve in all, Kenya's many problems, and as many in the past have often taken the opinions of these Prominent Families, and to heart, and when thinking in all, and of just where in all again, Kenya is headed that is.