Wednesday, 24 September 2014



Those in the Horn of Africa in all, or speak too and of Kenya in particular, have truly heard of the word/term 'Maendeleo' (and as with it even said Swahili too that is). The term in many a way too, is oft associated and with speak of the Moi Regime in all, and as the Kenyatta Regime in all again (late former President Jomo Kenyatta that is), did in all concentrate and on speak of defining (Kenyan) Nationality in itself that is [and further speak too, and of Leather Jackets in/and Kenya, and as said to be part of it all that is].

This entry though, will attempt to speak of Maendeleo, and in three differing manners, and as with two of them said to speak of past Developmental Agendas in all that is, and as seen in Kenya too. That Maendeleo, and in a Kenyan Context too perhaps, does speak in all, and of Development in many a way truly (and as versus speak of Progress specifically too), and as going along and with speak of defining Communications and Order in society, and as with it all even said to speak of a suitable Infrastructure that is [that in Kenya in all again, Maendeleo in all, has often been truly associated, and with speak of changing Communications and Order too that is].

In all, Maendeleo, and as defined rightly above, said in all again perhaps, and to go along and with speak of the following three: Currency, Caliber and Comportment too.

That to speak of Caliber in all, does speak of the Horn of Africa or Kenya too, and as said distinctively Victorian too perhaps, and as it did in all speak and of just whom or who in all again, and in Colonial Kenya too for instance, did best have, the best idea that is, and as with regards and to just how best to define Maendeleo [and as with it all basically said and to speak of the Victorians in Kenya, and as basically having been said in all, and to have been Philanthropists in all that is].

The tradition of Philanthropy in Kenya, is in many a way not alive anymore, and what does happen in Kenya and after Independence is declared too, is that Maendeleo in all, does in all again come to be associated and with speak of Currency in itself, and as going along and with speak of the Swahili term 'Biashara' too that is. That 'Biashara', a term in all though, truly best suited and in speak and of the building of the Jamia Mosque/Msikiti in Nairobi too, now becomes and in many a way, a part of the Nyayo Philosophy in Kenya, but with it in all even, speaking of Kenya and Nairobi now said a place ruined too perhaps, and as the Moi Governments Budgetary Needs in all truly, does speak of funding many a person in Kenya, in helping spearhead Maendeleo, and in the said form of Biashara too, and which does lead in all again, and to the very building or erecting in all, and of many a Physical Structure/Building for instance (and as said even associated and with certain forms of Communications and Order too), but that in all again, such Structures in all, are said to truly speak of the Third World, and as one does not in all understand, why the Government and in speak of Building Regulations for instance, will in all put up a structure and such as 'Nyayo House' too for instance, but in many a way too, allow for the average Mwananchi, to in all put up or erect, a 'Stone Mudhut' so to speak, and in all ways even, very much ruin Nairobi, and in speak and of what some do in all call 'Black Inferiority' in itself that is.

To speak though and of Maendeleo, and Comportment in all, is to in many a way too, attack Maendeleo Development Agendas in all, and such as the Kenya Vision 2030 too that is [and which does in all even speak of the attempt to redefine Kenya in all, and away from its traditional past/culture too, and as with it all even and alongside speak of the proposed Kenyan Constitution too, speaking of truly redefining Kenya and a way and from speak of its past Communications and Order that is]. In all again, Comportment (and as with it even speaking of a Media in all, and as truly associated with it all too), does in all again basically speak and of how we do carry ourselves that is, and as with it all even going along and with speak too perhaps, and of our notions in all again, and of the Dead/Ancestors, Festive life, Dress/Fashion, 'National/State Religion', Educational Status etc.

In all, Maendeleo Media, and as means of Development in all, not truly well defined and by Government too perhaps, and as it does in all again, speak of the rather huge problem and of defining the so termed average Mwananchi, and as with he/she even said to possess certain Communications and Order too (and further speak even and of the wasting of Resources/Funding that is), and as believed said even and to go along in all, and with speak of many a Government Developmental Agenda that is.
