Sunday, 14 September 2014



This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with just how Somalis in all it is believed here, do in all again feel about Kenyans that is. That unknown to most and who do believe Somalis to possess Superiority Complexes of a kind, one cannot but help feel a tinge of resentment in many a way, and from Somali Men that is, that Kenya in all, does truly function and as a society, and in a rather complex manner, and as with regards and to defining Enmity in itself that is [that Kenyans in all, are a people known not to harbour Hate or Hatred in itself, but to merely possess it that is, and as compared in all again and to speak of Somalis or the Swahili people too that is].

In all though, the reason why Kenya does remain more successful than Somalia and in its ways, does have to do, and with just how Kenyans in all, do perceive or conceptualize Pain & Suffering in itself that is. That Kenyans in all, and as compared and to many another people and around the World too, do in all actually know just how to think of Pain & Suffering, but in many a way too, are not aware of this in all, and in speak of truly help make Kenya a rather successful Country for instance.

That Somalis, have very poor ways or manners, and of conceptualizing Pain & Suffering, and as with this in all even believed in many a way, and at the very heart too, and of many a National Security issue/matter in Somalia, and as speaking in all even, and of the Somali Civil War that is [and the main reason in all perhaps, Kenyans don't care too much for Somalis, and as Somalis in all, don't truly know just how Kenyans in all again, do think of life and Pain & Suffering in itself too, and as Kenyans in many a way, do view themselves and as said different/differing too, and from other peoples in the World that is].

In teaching one though, and about Pain & Suffering (and as said to accompany speak of Shock and Exclaim in itself too), is to in many a way even refer and to many a differing society out there that is. That take India for instance, and where Pain & Suffering, are truly in all again said associated, and with speak of the Chakra System, and as said to speak of many a trial in life for instance, and trials and pains too, and as experienced and as one goes through life that is [and speak too and of Indian Celebrations/Celebratory life that is].

On the otherhand, you do also have those who do perceive or think of Pain & Suffering, and from speak too and of Rejection in itself that is, and Rejection too, and as often perceived and in speak of (Family) Blood that is, and speak too and of just how most in the World in all, do perceive Pain & Suffering in itself that is [and as including speak of Somalis today too that is]. For those though, and who do aspire and for European lifestyles in all, pretentiousness abounds all over, and as Pain & Suffering and in European Culture in many a way, has often been perceived and in speak of the Heart in itself too (Link), and speak too in all, and of Love and and as said a complex Emotion for instance, and that does enable one and to truly fall in love for instance, and with two differing/different people in all, and at the very same time too, or speak truly even, and of the Murder, and of a Lover too that is.

Kenya on the otherhand, has created for itself, a complex society, and just where in all again, Pain & Suffering, are often perceived and in speak of Treatment, and as not truly speaking of Rejection either that is. That for many a Kenyan, a casual Hello, and when well executed, can serve and as an example of success that is, and such that, Kenyans in all, are for instance willing to work for free and for someone in all again (and as based on speak of Treatment received that is), but that Kenyans in all again, are the kind to Succeed in life, and simply then use their Rewards/Money in all, and in simply treating others, and to many a surprise, and as in easily even, lending money to others that is. In all, the above said, is what makes Kenya function much more better than Somalia, and as a Kenyan wronged for instance, can be simply appeased in all, and by the reception of a Gift of a kind that is [and speak too and of Kenyans in all, and as truly capable and of giving one, the very Gift, one would truly desire in all truly].

However though, speak of Somalia today, does in all even speak and of their rejecting perhaps, Pain & Suffering, and as going along and with speak of Rejection in itself too that is. That in all, Somalis and alongside many other Africans, might not be aware and of the very fact that, they do possess in all, Sexual Glands, and not Sexual Organs either that is [Link]. That Somalis in all again, are not in touch and with their realities in all again, and as with regards and to speak of Pain & Suffering, and as with it in all even associated and with speak of how best to define Pleasure for instance, and as versus speak of Rejection in itself that is. That the very world of Sexual Glands, does in all even go along and with speak of Sexual Repression for instance, and further speak too, and of the transmuting and of any sexual desire in all perhaps, and to speak instead and of Expression, and in the very form of Laughs that is [that Somali life, and that in the Horn of Africa too, and as associated and with Health and as going along and with speak of the Glands and especially the Sweat Glands too that is, do in many a way face a big problem, and in thinking of life and as with regards to Pain & Suffering, and as the Sexual Glands in all, do in many a way today for instance, go along and with speak of life and as perceived from speak of Popularity in itself, and as versus those simply said Famed in their ways too that is][and with speak of the Glands in all again, going along even, and with speak of Kundalini too for instance, and as said Egyptian/African in all, and not Indian truly either].