Thursday 7 August 2014



Progeny, Religion and the Horn of Africa:

Which in all, or what too perhaps, can be said and to be the most simplest or basic, and of Religion, and for those in the Horn of Africa too [and as with it all even said, and to speak of the very belief that, those in the Horn of Africa, are simply said to only practise Religion, and that does speak of Possessive states that is]. 

In many a way though, and in speak here and of those truly obsessed and with speak of Security and in the Horn of Africa (and as very much said Evolutionary too), does speak in all perhaps, and of society/life, and as said truly grounded in all, and in speak of Perception that is. That this in all, does actually speak and of Religion and as said to truly in all, speak of Dogma (and further speak and of a 'False Truth' that is), but speak in all again, and of referring to it all, and in base manner, and that does in all speak, and of life and as lived, and in speak of formulating Perception, and as with it it all even, and in taking it all and from a Horn of Africa Context too, speaking in all truly, and of Allowances for instance [and in Behaviour too that is]. In all, many a period of Time perhaps, spent, and in truly Re-Evaluating, what one does believe to be true/important (Muhimu), and such that, any life lived out in all, is said to define one, and in not only Physiognomy, but in Disposition truly, but that in all ways even, it all does speak of life, and as going along and with speak of Re-Incarnation too, and further speak even and of paying for ones sins, and in the next lifetime that is.