Tuesday 26 August 2014



In speaking of the term Jubilee, and as applied and to speak of many an (Human) Affair and as seen in the Horn of Africa and as a whole or region too perhaps, is to in many a way even, make references, and to late President Jomo Kenyatta's Africanist Agenda for instance (or speak too, and of Kenya, and in History too, and as going along and with speak of many a Hero or Legend too perhaps), or speak truly even and of the Nyayo Philosophy, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of Prosperity (or amicable relations in all), and between all Kenyans too that is. 

Jubilee though, and as  saida term in all, and as said Historical or Philosophical too, is in many a way often believed and to speak of Asian and Swahili Philosophy in all (and speak too, and of Swahili culture and as said somewhat Asian that is), but that Jubilee in all, does speak of Philosophy (and one suited and for the Horn of Africa or Somalia too that is), and that does speak in all even, and of defining the Individual, and in speak of prayer/maombi, in that, it is a Philosophy, and that does go along and with speak of the History of Colonial Kenya, and as associated and with speak of the Kipande System that is [Link1, Link2, Link3] [and speak too, and of Kenya, and as said Uarabu, and further speak here and of the term Jannah, but also speak of the Jamia 'Mosque'/Mskiti and in Nairobi in itself too, and furtherly in all again, speak of many a Kenyan Religious Cult and such as Mungiki for instance], but that Jubilee in all, and in speak of prayer/maombi, does speak in all, and of defining many a person, and in speak of Procedure, Conduct and Demeanour/Guise, and as with it all even speaking of a Tactical Code for instance, but that in all ways even, the Horn of Africa and as region in all, and as said 'Black African' in Identity too, does speak of those in the Horn of Africa and as a region, and as simply said chaotic and in their ways or manners too that is [and in speak here primarily, and of Procedure, Conduct and Demeanour/Guise too that is, and such that, any Developmental Agenda and in the Horn of Africa too that is, is simply said a failure in all, and not in speak of Intelligence either, but in all ways even, and in speak of corruptive behavioural norms that is (and speak too, and of the attempts by some, and to stringently regulate Media, and in the Horn of Africa too that is)].

In all, speak of the only allowable Media in Kenya perhaps, and as somewhat said National too, and as truly going along and with speak of the Msikiti, and as said an African/Egyptian 'Mosque'/Prayer House too that is.

Msikiti and Media:

