Wednesday 5 March 2014



The study of Vacuums, has been in many a way, often associated and with the study of Light, and as said even manifesting, certain forms of phenomena in all, and as with all this even simply speaking of the Behaviour of Light in a Vacuum, and the resultant Order manifest in many a way that is. Those who do equate Vacuums with Matter, often do so and from speak even and of just what kind of Matter in all, is truly capable of existing in a Vacuum that is [but with the Vacuum here said more of a Void actually].

To put the Vacuum though and in an African context, is to associate it perhaps, and with Sound too, and as with it even said to speak of the most perfect in all, and of Sound and as occurring, and in a Vacuum too, and as with this even basically speaking of a Space, and which does possess the most pleasant of sounds that is [and as with speak even of attending the perfect party, and as with it all viewed, and from speak of the sounds made in it that is].
