Saturday 22 March 2014

The Financial Industry

The Financial Industry.

Most in the Horn of Africa, or speak even truly and of Kenya too, never do in all truly ponder, just how Business in Kenya in all perhaps, does truly function that is. That most in all again, have been brainwashed and in associating Business in Kenya, and with Corporate profiles in all actually. In all again that, anyone not engaged in Corporate styled Business ownership, is deemed a loser of a kind, and as in stating that, such people in all, do tend in all actually, to be highly Community driven that is [and such as speak even and of Somalis in Kenya, and Eastleigh too that is].

In all, one cannot deny the fact that, many an inspiring Business owner in Kenya, does in many a way even seek to create Success Images, very much Corporate in their ways, and as with erroneously even, associating Business in Kenya, and with only Retail Trade too that is [and further speak even of Exports and Wholesale Trade too perhaps]. The Belief in all again, making money and outside speak of a Corporate styled profile in all, does speak even of immorality in itself, or even truly again, speak of losing favour, and amongst many a said esteemed person in Society, and as with speak even and of just how many in the Horn of Africa, do define Acceptance and Self-Acceptance too [and as with it even said to speak of Start-Up Businesses/mentalities in all, and of a Business too, and further speak even of Silicon Valley for instance, and as with attempting even to associate oneself and with an organization and such as KOBA too for instance].

In many a way too though, why many a person in the Horn of Africa, is, and as described above, does in many a way even perhaps, have to do and with our definitions of Gender in all truly, and as with associating Gender in all again, and even Race or Class too, and as with speak even of an Elitist Education that is [that such Elitist Education, does make one a true Gentleman of a kind for instance].

This post though, does very much have to do, and with missed out opportunity in the Horn of Africa, and for those not knowing perhaps what best to do with their lives or time that is [and as with this opportunity even, deemed truly Ideal and for those in the Horn of Africa too, and as versus others that is], and which does in all again even speak of Media, and which does go along, and with speak of many a Kenyan Exhibition Show, Expo or even Trade Fair too actually. That Kenya today, and as said in many a way still lagging Economically, does not only speak of the failure of Retail Trade in Kenya in many a way, but that in all ways even, this problem in all can probably be in many a way best solved or alleviated, and via speak even and of developing a Media, one even Corporate in its ways too, and which is in all again, truly associated in all too even, and with many a Kenyan Exhibition Show, Expos or even Trade Fair too that is [and all this even and as referring to those in Kenya, very much still in the Young-Adulthood age bracket that is]. 

For those in the Horn of Africa in all, truly caught up and in truly attempting to present or represent oneself in all, and in a Corporate manner too, the above Media stated in all above, might be of true help and as with regards to all this that is [and as with asking one even, to think of all this, and from speak even of 'Adding Value' that is].

Adding Value / Co-Branding: