Thursday 12 December 2013



What is the basic premise, and of building civilization, and in the Horn of Africa too? In many a way, a better understanding of this question, does speak even, and of how others have basically chosen to build civilization, and in the differing regions of the World too that is. Take Europe for instance, where the attempt to build civilization in its most basic form, actually did speak of publishing, and in the very form too of sophism actually, and further speak even, and of what some do term Errata in all that is. In America, the basic premise of building civilization, did speak of realizing America in all, and from the very perspective of Traditional Song too [that American Traditional Song, did in many a way define in all again, American Dreams, American Relations, and even American Experiences in all that is] [and as with they in all too even, some of the most Beautiful and Powerful Songs in all, and probably ever written out there that is].

Traditional American Songs:

In the Middle East on the otherhand, the basic premise of building civilization, did actually speak of it all and as simply said to be in the form of Prayer too actually.

In the Horn of Africa on the otherhand, speak of just how to go about building civilization and in its most basic form, does actually speak of Rites [and as with Rites even, somewhat said to be central, and in helping define core African Identities too]. To speak of Rites though, is to generally speak even, and of how we do Greet each other, and how we do Part with each other in all too that is. In many a way, all this is actually already in place, and in helping define core/basic Identities in the Horn of Africa too, and as with speak even, and of the prevalent use and of what some do call 'Kiswa' actually (and as compared to Kiswahili in itself), and as with 'Kiswa' even, speak of language in all, and that does in all very much go along with Rites actually, and as with speak even of the prevalent use of 'Vipii' for instance, and when Greeting others, or even 'Tuonane', and when Parting with others too that is.

In all ways though, Rites in all, do speak even, and of helping solve many an Economic problem/woe, and in the Horn of Africa too that is. What this does mean is that, when those in the Horn of Africa do think of the distribution of Wealth in itself, let them think of it all, and from the very perspective of Rites too that is. What this does mean is that, it is those who are well versed in Rites in themselves, and as with truly knowing just how to Greet and Part with others (and as with the example even, and of a long introduction too), that should in all ways even be perceived, as being able to easily even rise up in society that is (and as with speak even of Wealth accumulation in itself), but that this in many a way too, Rites that is, speaking of building simple Monetary Systems in all, and in the Horn of Africa [that those in all again, who do truly know just how to Greet and Part with others, and cordially or amicably too, should in all ways even, have Money easily available to them that is].

In many a way in all again, all this does also speak of Economic problems and issues, and in Kenya in itself too that is. That Kenya, in many a way, the backbone of Economic activity and in Eastern Africa too, is ailing in its ways somewhat, but with all this not known to most, and due to a Kenyan Media in all again, and that does in all ways even, present a rather false image of Economic success and Kenya too [and as with all this even, and at the very least too, speaking of most in Kenya, not being able to afford Real Estate of any kind actually] [and as with sustainable Housing too, still remaining a rather big problem, and in the whole of Kenya too that is]. In all though, when those in the Horn of Africa do think of Kenya's Economic problems and issues, then in many a way is to tell them that, the most basic way of building civilization in Kenya, and as with speak even and of what some do term Sustainable Development too, is from the very perspective of defining for all Solitary life (and as with seeing oneself in a rather good light and at all times even), and even Social life too perhaps (and as with having others treat one rather well even, and most of the time too actually), and that both these in all again, do serve as a basic premise even of building civilization in Kenya in itself (and outside the Horn of Africa too), and as with this in all again speaking even of Sustainable Development in itself, and as with agreeing in all again, and in holding a low paying Job, but defining success truly in all again, and from the Solitary life (and speak even of small things in all, and that will have one seeing themselves in a good light), or even the Social life too (and as with speak even of a common or mutual agreement, to generally treat just about anyone, and in a rather well-mannered manner too perhaps).

Finally, when those in the Horn of Africa, do think Rites in all, and as with the Horn of Africa Christian in its ways too, then let them not generally think 'Kiswa' either, but in all ways, speak in all again, and of Christian interpretations, and of the Psalms too that is.