Monday 16 December 2013



For those in the Horn of Africa, and especially even Somalia too, a problem might remain, and as with regards even, and to just how to properly ground oneself, and to ones land/country in all too that is. This in many a way, does speak even of perceiving History in itself, and from the very perspective of Folklore, Oral History and even Oracular Knowledge Systems / Oracles too.

In all again, and as with speak even of life in the Horn of Africa and as lived truly even and as around Media too, there might exist a problem in all again, and in Somalia too for instance, and as with regards even, to truly identifying with ones home land in all, and with the exception of developing a Physical look too, and that one could call Somalian in all truly even, and as with this even speaking of truly loving ones home land, its peoples in all, and even truly identifying in all again, and with ones Ancestral History too in many a way.

In all ways even, and as with this even speaking of Ethnographic studies of Somalian life, the very field of Eschatology, is believed helpful, and to those in the Horn of Africa, and as living somewhat even said unstable lives, and as based around Media too actually, and in developing in all again, Media based/oriented Folklore, Oral History and even Oracular Knowledge Systems / Oracles too [and as with this even basically, speaking of a Blog, that funnily and interestingly in all, makes fun of another and as with all this even, speaking of Oral History too, or even truly again, speak of a Magazine profile and of someone successful too, and Oracular Knowledge Systems that is].

In all again, and in helping moderate all the above, the field of Eschatology, and as with it even pondering, what truly in all again is Death for instance, can truly in all again even, help in developing Ethnographic forms of Knowledge, and as based around Folklore too for instance, and simply help those in the Horn of Africa, and especially Somalia too, truly learn how to Identify with their Home land/country in all, other than only identifying with a Physical look too, and that one can call Somalian, and as with it originating even, and with Nature in Somalia too actually.