Wednesday 21 August 2013


Somalia, the Land of Punt, in many a way, is often said and believed, and to be the very home, and of the Somali people too. Truth though is that, the very first civilized existences in the place, were very much Swahili, and with the building too, and of the former City-State of Mogadishu that is.

In many a way too though, and as with speak even, and of the Horn of Africa too (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia), living in Somalia, appears in many a way, not to be truly based on rigid Political structures in all, or even Religion and Communal existences too, but in many a way, a life truly based around, Media in itself that is. In many a way too, the very lack of proper Media in Somalia, is the very reason perhaps, the place in all again, does suffer from poor forms of livelihood. However though, for those in Ethiopia and Kenya too, is to tell them that, everyday Media in both places (Kenya and Ethiopia that is), very much appears, to be somewhat Somali in nature (that in many a way in all, what does happen in Somalia, and as with News Media too, is very likely in all again, to occur in Kenya, or Ethiopia too) [and with many falsely believing, that what does happen in Kenya, and as with Media too, does happen in Somalia and Ethiopia too] (In many a way too, local Popular Music in both Ethiopia and Kenya for example, does appear very much, to sound similar in all, and to each other, and when in reality, it is all very much Somali like that is).

This post though, could be of interest, and for those in Somalia too, and who do in many a way, wish to structure their very lives, and in ways too, that are somewhat very much Political in nature that is (that in many a way, it is possible to somewhat turn Media, into a Political structure of a kind that is). While today, Political structure in many a way, and in Somalia too, very much speaks of Media driven Nomadic lifestyles, there could be a better way, to living in Somalia, and other than, speaking of the Nomadic that is.

For those in Somalia in all again though, is to perhaps tell them of, just how in all, to see themselves in Africa, and as compared even, to closely associating themselves, and with Yemen and the Middle East too. To explain this much better, is to speak and of many a Myth too, and as associated in all, and with the Horn of Africa too (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia). That in all, Ethiopia (and as with Abyssinia too), is very much considered, the very home of the Christian World (and speak even, and of all kinds of Christian Symbols that is). Kenya on the otherhand, has Myth, and that does speak of, the so termed Garden of Eden (that the Biblical Garden of Eden in all, was actually located in Kenya, and that life in Kenya in many a way, and as with Media too, is all about recreating the Garden of Eden that is).

For those in Somalia though, basic Myth of the place, does speak of the so called Myth of Osiris.

To better understand this Myth though, and from a very much Media driven perspective, is to in many a way even, associate it all, and with the so called Eight-fold Path of Indian Buddhism. That in many a way too, the Myth of Osiris, can be understood from this perspective, but that in many a way too, the attempt to somewhat give structure (and Political too), and to Media in itself, can very well be understood, and from this so called, Eight-fold Path of Indian Buddhism.

In many a way too though, to perhaps better understand the Eight-fold Path of Indian Buddhism, and even the Osiris Myth, is to perhaps view it all, and from the very perspective too, and of what they do call Memory that is. That in many a way, the Eight-fold Path of Indian Buddhism, and Media too, can be best understood, and from seeing it all, and as highly based around Memory in all again, and as compared to Creativity or Intelligence too that is.

In all, 8 forms of Memory, that do go along, and with the Eight-fold Path of Indian Buddhism.

The Path

1. * Samma-Ditthi — Complete or Perfect Vision, also translated as right view or understanding. Vision of the nature of reality and the path of transformation.

[In many a way too though, all this speaking of Short-term Memory that is, and as with it even, referring to the Memory, that the so called 6 Senses, do utilize in all]

2. Samma-Sankappa — Perfected Emotion or Aspiration, also translated as right thought or attitude. Liberating emotional intelligence in your life and acting from love and compassion. An informed heart and feeling mind that are free to practice letting go.

[In many a way in all, all this speaking of Preconscious Memory, and as with it the Memory too, that ones does use, and when referring in all again, and to the utilization of Language too that is]

3. Samma-Vaca — Perfected or whole Speech. Also called right speech. Clear, truthful, uplifting and non-harmful communication.

[This in many a way too, referring in all again, and to what they do call Working Memory, and as with it even, the Memory too, that one does use, and when Working on anything in general that is]

4. Samma-Kammanta — Integral Action. Also called right action. An ethical foundation for life based on the principle of non-exploitation of oneself and others. The five precepts.

[This in all, referring to what they do call Long-term Memory in all, and as with it even, the very Memory too, that one does use, and as with regards even, and to anything significant in all, and that does happens in ones life too that is]

5. Samma-Ajiva — Proper Livelihood. Also called right livelihood. This is a livelihood based on correct action the ethical principal of non-exploitation. The basis of an Ideal society.

[This in all too, speaking of what they do term Body Memory in all, and as with it even, the very Memory too, that one does use, and when it does come, to learning just how to respond naturally, and to just about anything that does happen to one that is]

6. Samma-Vayama — Complete or Full Effort, Energy or Vitality. Also called right effort or diligence. Consciously directing our life energy to the transformative path of creative and healing action that fosters wholeness. Conscious evolution.

[This, very much speaking of, what they do call the Universe. The Universe in many a way, does refer to what they do call the Earths Memory too, and as with it a Memory in all, that does record, every singular event in all again, and that does happen anywhere on Earth, and as with the ability even, to tap into this Memory, and fully discover perhaps, what perhaps in all again, did happen, and in a crime scene too for instance, and as with all this too, referring in all again, and to a Group Memory too that is]

7. Samma-Sati — Complete or Thorough Awareness. Also called "right mindfulness". Developing awareness, "if you hold yourself dear watch yourself well". Levels of Awareness and mindfulness - of things, oneself, feelings, thought, people and Reality.

[This all, referring in all again, and to what they do term Epigenetic Memory and as with it even, the very Memory too, that one does use in all,and  when connecting to ones Ancestors, and in the name too of Ancestor Worship, or even, the very Memory in all again used, to tap into ones past life that is]

8. Samma-Samadhi — Full, Integral or Holistic Samadhi. This is often translated as concentration, meditation, absorption or one-pointedness of mind. None of these translations is adequate. Samadhi literally means to be fixed, absorbed in or established at one point, thus the first level of meaning is concentration when the mind is fixed on a single object. The second level of meaning goes further and represents the establishment, not just of the mind, but also of the whole being in various levels or modes of consciousness and awareness. This is Samadhi in the sense of enlightenment or Buddhahood.

[Finally, speak of a Memory, that one could very well associate, and with what they do term Neuro-melanin in all that is. In all, a Memory too, that is associated with what some do term the Cosmos even, and as with it all too, a Memory in all again, and that does actually speak, and of how Nature in itself actually does work, or even, the Solar System too perhaps]
