Sunday 25 August 2013


To speak of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia) in all, is to in all ways even again, speak of Media in all too really. That in many a way, there is a proper way, and of going about creating Media, and within Ethiopia too.

Ethiopia today, and as with Media too, is highly perceived from Addis-Ababa, the Habesha peoples of Ethiopia, and finally in all again, the very History of the Yemenite Kingdoms and speak of the Queen of Sheba too.

There is probably however, a fine way in all, and of learning how to create Media in Ethiopia, and as based around what they do call in Indian Buddhism, Sila, Samadhi and Prajna.

That the three in all again, can best be defined as follows:

Sila: The discipline and conduct of Awakening, manifest through wholehearted participation in each activity in a way that sustains mindfulness and the well being of everyone. How to take care of ourselves and have the energy to practice.

[In all, this does in many a way, speak of Civil Liberties, and further speak too, and of everyday successes, and of every kind too that is (and as with this including even, small acts, and such as reading the Bible and on an everyday basis too)]

Samadhi: Continuous contact with the flow of experience, by bringing full awareness to every engagement throughout the day. Sustaining awareness of body, mind and emotions in the midst of zazen and everyday activities.

[In all again, this very much does speak of, and what they do call Liberty, and as with it all even, speaking of being open-minded, and as with all this furtherly referring even, and to being able to openly express oneself, and in just about every manner too that is]

Prajna: Seeing clearly the true nature of what is; actualized through practicing Sila and Samadhi and stimulated by individual interviews with teachers, classes, lectures, zazen and self-reflection.

[All this in all again, speaking of what they do term Freedom, and as with this all even, referring to speak of Free Speech, and on just about every and any topic too that is],69,139&pageid=1700

In all ways even, an easier way of looking at Sila, Samadhi and Prajna, is from the very perspective too, and of it all being perceived as Fun (Prajna), Enjoyment (Samadhi), and even simply Pleasing oneself and others (Sila). In all ways even, Media in Ethiopia, and as simply consisting of Sila/Civil Liberties/Pleasing oneself-others, Samadhi/Liberty/Enjoyment and finally Prajna/Freedom/Fun in all that is.
