Monday, 9 February 2015

The Traveler

The Traveler.

(Andy Andrews)

The Traveler in all, should not be confused and for the Explorer truly. For the Explorer, does in all even refer and to the Hero, and in Archetype too, while the Traveler in all again, does in all even speak and of the Trader for instance. While Africa in all, has always been associated and with speak of the Explorer, and in speak too of those who do believe, Archetype, and as said African too, does in all even speak and of the opening of one up, and to Potential in itself, and that does in all even again continue and to allude, and to speak of the Mysteries of Egypt for instance, Africa today though, is believed said defined in all, and by a Media, Global or International too, and that does in all even speak, and of the Traveler that is.

For the Traveler, is often said associated, and with speak of the Mission too for instance, and as the Traveler, is often said too, an Expatriate, an Ambassador, a Missionary, a Diplomat etc., and in speak now, and of Media, and that does speak too of Trade Relations for instance, Foreign Policy, Cultural Exchange, Political Dialogue etc., and as with it all even said to speak of Africa, and in Conscience too [Link], and not Consciousness/Belief truly either that is.