Monday 15 December 2014

the World Artist

the World Artist.

Those in the Horn of Africa, do in all even truly wonder perhaps, and of truly in all perhaps, and of how best to gauge in all, any Talent, they might possess/harbour, and in speak even of Success, and of World History too that is. That this in all, does not in all speak of the Global, the International, the Worldly, or even speak of Fame/Celebrity that is.

That speak of being a World Artist, has no reference in all, and to the Worldly that is, and as being Famed/Celebrated in all, does in all even speak of Numbers/ the Numbers Game truly.

The World Artist though, and in speak here even, and of simply learning just how best to gauge any Success and as said to speak of the Horn of Africa too, is to in all even associate the World Artist in all, and with their truly in all, defining Disparity/Disparities, and in a manner/way all would like that is.