Thursday, 9 January 2014



For those who do live in the Horn of Africa, perhaps a mentioning in all again, and of the old KBC TV show 'Vioja Mahakamani', and as with it referring even, and to what does happen in all, and as with regards to deliberating on any matter, and when one does live life and as primarily based around Media too that is. To introduce all this much clearer, is to learn of just what does act as a guide in all, and when deliberating on any matter, and that is very much Media driven, and as especially as with regards to speak of News Media that is.

That in all ways even, speak of Media, News Media too, and as seen today in all, does speak even and of deliberating on any issue or matter that does arise from it all, and as based even, Religiously speaking that is, and on what some do call the Apparitions of Mary that is [that News Media in all, and even Media in itself, does attempt to judge on any matter or issue in all again, and as based around proof of it all, and as with it even said photographic that is]. In other times, and for those who believe Media is a recent introduction to our lives and by the Western World too, any issue or matter and as arising from Media in all, and especially News Media too that is (as gazettes and newspapers are much older than most think them to be), did involve judgement in all again, and on any issue or matter, and as based around the Immaculate Conception for instance [that News Media back then in all again, was rather developed, and spoke even and of what the repercussions of anything said truly were/was, and as with speak even of freedom of speech that is].

For those in the Horn of Africa today is to first mention that, when ones does think of Africa, and as having Religious significance in all, is to then tell one that, Prophets in all again, are very much African actually. In all ways even, is to also tell one of the very fact that, deliberating on any issue or matter, and as having to do with Media or News Media too, does not speak of verifying the validity of anything said that is, but in all ways even speaks of mediating on any matter or issue, and as based around predicting in all, the future in all again, and as arising too, and as based around any decision made that is. In all again for instance, passing judgement on the misbehaviour of a child, does speak even and of what is believed to be the future behaviour in all, and of that said child, and on meting any given form of punishment that is [and as compared even to shaming a child, and as is often the case, and as with speak of the Apparitions of Mary that is].