Tuesday, 21 January 2014



For those in the Horn of Africa, is to perhaps tell them or say in all that, what does make for a Home in all, is not place you can sit in, rest in or relax in, in all that is, or even truly again, hide in perhaps (and as with escaping the World in itself too that is), but in all ways even, a place in all again, one can truly Play in actually [and as with all this regarding to freedom in all, and in motion, movement or activity that is, and as with regards even and to decisive thinking that is] [that in all again, those in the Horn of Africa, are truly at home, and when having mentalities in all again, and that do go with decisive thinking and decisions made in all, and as with all this speaking even and of truly making in all, ones Home, as very much having the presence of God in it, and as with this all truly speaking even of simply feeling at home, and as based around mentalities arising in all, and with decisions too, and as with regards to ones (everyday) life that is]. In all ways even, when one does think of ones Home, and as described above, then let them in all again, generally speak also of having Flowers (real or artificial), and in ones Hone too that is.