Monday, 4 November 2013

Popular Media

Popular Media.

What they do call 'Popular Media' in al, might be of great interest and to those in the Horn of Africa too. For 'Popular Media' in all, does not actually deal with issues of Gender, Race, Age and Class actually and as most do believe, but that in all ways even, it truly speaks of questioning, what does constitute Power, Might and Authority, and in society or the Horn of Africa too that is. That 'Popular Media' in all, is often truly associated only, and with Youth/Teen cultures, when in reality, it does exist in the Adult world, and as with speak even of Exclusive restaurants in all, and even Exclusive relationships too that is.

In many a way in all, 'Popular Media' in itself, actually does speak of the History of Somalia, and as with speak even of Clan-like formations in Somalia, and violent encounters between them too, arising via 'Popular Media' in all again, and not the politics in all, and that do go along with Caste-like systems/formations that is [and as with Somalis Clan-like formations too, falsely believed Caste-like in all, when in reality, they in all again, did very much arise, and due to 'Popular Media' in all that is].

'Popular Media' and the Horn of Africa:
[Return of the Mack]