Tuesday, 5 November 2013



Is there a general way to Mythologize life, and in the Horn of Africa too? This in many a way, does speak of most in the Horn of Africa, viewing everyday life and as with speak even of all forms of success, and in the form of finishing, ending, closing or even completing things in all. While all this does speak even of planning things out in all again, it is believed though, that a better way of mythologizing life, does speak in all too even, and of seeking out personal transformation in everything one does, and as with this even speaking of seeking out Contentment that is [and as with this even, simply speaking of thinking about things in all, or planning things out, and as with regards to levels of satisfaction that is, and as with this furtherly even speaking of taking breaks for instance, and as based around satisfaction too that is] [in many a way, this does speak of solving a problem, and not from the end result in all (and as with speak of lots of money for instance), but in all ways even, from the levels of satisfaction to be attained that is (and as with stating that, having only two pieces of spicy chicken in all, might be more satisfying in all again, and as compared to eating a whole pizza that is)].