Mass Media.
See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil:
Many in the Horn of Africa, might have heard of the phrase 'Africa on the move'. In many a way, it is believed said to be all about Africa developing, but with all this not properly presented or put into its proper context, other than talk of Skyscrapers and Highways here and there that is. To put the phrase 'Africa on the move' into perspective, is to speak also and of just whom Africans in all are, and as Primitive beings too. This in all, Primitivity that is, while capable in all again, and of being defined in many an endless manner too, does speak in all, and as with regards to the Horn of Africa that is, and of truly attempting to find oneself [in all again, truly attempting to seek out, what one truly desires in all, and as with speak of Satisfaction too, and with ones life that is]. That in all again, 'Africa on the move' does speak in all and of Africans not truly knowing whom they are, other than going about copying other people that is [and in a rather direct manner too actually or blindlessly even].
The question of Primitivity and the Horn of Africa in all, does speak in all again and of those in the Horn of Africa, lacking Motivation in all, and in their lives too [and as with Motivation here, speaking in all again of attempting to find oneself in all, and speak even of what one truly desires to attain that is]. In all ways even, when we define Primitivity as such (and in the very least too, speak of not being an Intellectual in the slightest that is), we are also speaking of Mass Media in all, and as with it even, attempting to define, whom we are in all, and as with regards to Ethics actually. That in all again, speak of Motivation in life, and as with Media even, capable of having one lose interest and in everyday life too, and from the perspective even of Sidelining one that is [this in all again, speaking of figures and as seen in the Media, and that one even strongly identifies with or truly likes even actually, being in many a way somewhat mistreated, maltreated or maligned too that is]. In many a way, this is the goal of Mass Media in all, to help in all again define Ethics in our lives, and as with this even speaking of life and as lived around Media in all actually and as becoming Boring and due to losing Interest perhaps, and in all ways even, speak of Ethics and as based around Media in all, does speak in all again and of attempting to define just whom one is, and as a Neophyte too (or someone in all again, the Media can term as a Beginner, Amateur, Abecedarian etc.), and that in all again Mass Media in all, and as speaking of living an Ethical life too and as based around Media in all again, and with Ethics here defined from the perspective of the Newcomer even, and as with being a Neophyte too that is.
Mass Media:
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