Saturday, 1 February 2014

The Fire Bearer

The Fire Bearer.

Those in the Horn of Africa, might have heard of the Torch Bearer or even the Water Bearer too that is. They in many a way, have come to be associated and with survival in all, and as with the Torch Bearer, speaking in all and of one setting an example in all again, and as with regards to succeeding (and not success truly either), and with the Water Bearer on the otherhand, speaking of those in many a way, and who do struggle or suffer, and for the rest of us that is.

These two figures in all, and in the Horn of Africa perhaps, and as speaking even and of those who do offer their lives in all, and in simply helping make life easier for others that is.

In many a way too, is to perhaps speak of the Fire Bearer, and as seen in the Pancatatra in all, and as with he/she even a figure in all, and on spotting just how to make better or improve on a society in all again, acts in an impromptu manner even, and in simply helping keep just about any place out there in all, as calm as possible perhaps, and as with regards even, and to antagonistic behaviour that is [that this kind of figure in all, and as with he even perhaps a trendsetter too, is in many a way just whom those in the Horn of Africa, are as with regards, to survival in itself, and from a cultural/communal perspective that is] [that the Fire Bearer in all of us, speaks of the simplest manner in all, and as with speak even of Humour in the Horn of Africa perhaps, and in creating community of a kind too actually] [but with all this, not done openly or obviously that is].

The Fire Bearer: