Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Media Production

Media Production.

To speak of Media Production in a simple sense, is to speak in all ways even, and of it, as truly representing in all again, just how in all, we do actually Present anything. In many a way, the very act of simply Presenting just about anything, does serve in many a way, and as the most basic forms of Intelligence, and for those living in the Horn of Africa too. In many a way and in all again, this does also speak of what some do term Sheng, and as spoken in Kenya too for instance [that Sheng in all, is actually a Lingua, and a poor one at that too actually too, but one in all again, that does actually only speak of Presenting oneself, and to just about anyone too that is].

In all again, speak of how those in the Horn of Africa do Present themselves, does in many a way even, speak of the Egyptian God Osiris, and as with he even, and as with speak of the Horn of Africa too, teaching one in all again, just how to basically Present themselves that is [and as with speak even, of attempting to improve Sheng in itself that is].

Media Production and the Horn of Africa: